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目前分類:台北電影獎 (37)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要

《時間之旅》Voyage in Time
周東彥 CHOU Tung-Yen

台灣 Taiwan│2012│HDCAM│Colour│59min


Ming-Cheng started his ambitious plan about taking self-portraits of himself hand standing in different places around the world at the age of 26. In less than 3 years, his first voyage is accomplished with a series of breathtaking photos featuring various picturesque Taiwanese locales. His one-man show Transparent Kingdom inspired by his journey is then awarded the prestigious Taishin Arts Award.

7/10(二)18:10 新光二廳(影人座談)
7/18(三)16:40 新光三廳(影人座談)

2012年台北電影節 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

《畢業旅行》My Graduation Travel
洪伯豪 HUNG Po-Ho

台灣 Taiwan│2011│HDCAM│Colour│29min

2011 噶瑪蘭短片影展最佳劇情短片、童樂園典藏獎


Hui-Mei is a sixth grader who desires to go on a graduation trip. One day, Hui-Mei accidentally finds NT$4,200 in her classroom…

7/08(日)16:00 新光二廳(影人座談)
7/17(二)19:20 新光三廳(影人座談)

2012年台北電影節 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

《退潮》Ebb and Flow
柯金源 KE Chin-Yuan

台灣 Taiwan│2011│HDCAM│Colour│59min

2011金鐘獎非戲劇類導演(播)獎 / 蒙大拿影展保育意識項目嘉勉


The International Union for the Conservation of Nature used to consider the expansive tidal flats connecting the Dadu and Zhuoshui River estuaries in southeastern Taiwan as one of Asia’s most significant wetland areas. This area was once one of Taiwan’s most important bird habitats as well. But the passage of time has increasingly distanced local fishing villages from the sea and its sustenance.

7/10(二)18:10 新光二廳(影人座談)
7/18(三)16:40 新光三廳(影人座談) 

2012年台北電影節 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

《我愛恰恰》I Wake Up in a Strange Bed
何蔚庭 HO Wi-Ding

台灣 Taiwan│2011│DCP│Colour│15min


Strolling in the park with his Filipino maid, an old man with Alzheimer’s encounters his first love.

7/08(日) 20:00 真善美藍廳(影人座談)
7/16(一) 16:30 新光二廳(影人座談)

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《離家的女人》No Way Home    
施立 SHIH Li


台灣 Taiwan│2011│DCP│Colour│35min


Running away from her home, Chunmei boards a taxi in the city and wanders about in different places with the driver.

7/08(日) 20:00 真善美藍廳(影人座談)
7/16(一) 16:30 新光二廳(影人座談) 

2012年台北電影節 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

《青春啦啦隊》Young at Heart: Grandma Cheerleaders
楊力州 YANG Li-Chou

台灣 Taiwan│2011│DCP│Colour│105min

2011 金馬獎最佳紀錄片入圍


Who says the elderly can only wait for their deaths? A group of them, 70 years old on average, are determined to break this stereotype. They not only form a cheerleading squad, but fight for the opportunity to perform at the opening ceremony of the 2009 World Games in Kaohsiung.

7/14(六)10:30 新光二廳(影人座談)
7/18(三)11:00 新光二廳(影人座談) 

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《阿霞的掛鐘》The Clock
陳芯宜 Singing CHEN

台灣 Taiwan│2011│DCP│Colour│19min



Hsia, who suffers from dementia, moves into her daughter’s residence, leaving behind the home and the old community she has lived in all her life.

7/08(日) 20:00 真善美藍廳(影人座談)
7/16(一) 16:30 新光二廳(影人座談)

2012年台北電影節 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

《騷人》Young Dudes
陳映蓉 DJ Chen,Yin-Jung

台灣 Taiwan│2012│DCP│Colour│76min

2012 富川奇幻影展 / 愛丁堡影展 / 香港電影節火鳥新秀單元 / 金馬奇幻影展開幕片


Facing the apocalypse in 2012, best buddies Adam and Guy vow to save the world. After teaming up with the Russian girl Adele, the three create a website to build an imaginary spaceship as their Noah's ark in cyberspace. Global netizens respond with enthusiasm, but one night Adam is kidnapped to another parallel universe, where he appears to be alone in Taipei and wanders in search of his two friends...

7/16(一) 21:20 新光二廳(影人座談)

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《邊城啓示錄》Boundary Revelation
李立劭 LEE Li-Shao

台灣 Taiwan│2012│HDCAM│Colour│59min


Despite their tragic circumstances as the descendents of abandoned soldiers in Thailand, they never change their national identity. In each Chinese school in Northern Thailand, children still wave the flags of the Chinese Nationalist Party and sing the National Anthem on the birthday of Republic of China.

7/19(四)13:10 新光三廳(影人座談)

2012年台北電影節 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


《金孫》The Golden Child
周旭薇 CHOU She-Wei

台灣 Taiwan│2011│HD cam│Colour│86min



A deluxe hotel is going to be built in a small town. The real estate prices and the tourism are about to boom, sending the whole town  into a frenzy. Gump is the only one that seems calm. He is a pig farmer who only wishes to breed more piglets and get his mother to  accept his girlfriend who is too old to give her a grandson. All of a sudden, he has to face an arranged marriage with a Vietnamese  bride.

7/07(六)10:00 新光二廳(影人座談)
7/18(三)14:10 新光三廳(影人座談) 

2012年台北電影節 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


台灣 Taiwan│2011│HDCAM│Colour│58min


In the desolate old street where walls have fallen and houses are abandoned, a group of people forgotten by time still live there. The old men play cards, exchange random conversations, and drink tea; the old women do their daily laundry. They sleep inside the old houses, but do their activities outdoors. These lonely beings are not separate islands; they support and look after each other, day after day.

7/19(四)13:10 新光三廳(影人座談)

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洪榮良 HUNG Jung-Liang

台灣 Taiwan│2011│35mm│Colour│93min



This is a biographical film of legendary Taiwanese singer, Yi-Feng Hung. The story begins in 2010 with the opening of a concert planned by his three sons in memory of their deceased father. It is an affectionate tribute that portrays common human emotions, showing how a father and his children should always turn to and care for each other.

7/08(日)13:00 真善美藍廳(影人座談)
7/17(二)13:20 新光二廳(影人座談)

2012年台北電影節 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

《星空》Starry Starry Night
林書宇 Tom Shu-Yu LIN

台灣 Taiwan / 中國 China / 香港 Hong Kong│2011│DCP│Colour│98min

2012 亞洲電影大獎 /大阪亞洲電影節
2011 釜山國際電影節新浪潮競賽


Mei, a 13-year-old girl who watches her parents’ loveless marriage crumble in divorce. To escape her broken home, she immerses  herself  in a fantastical world of her own creation. After she meets Jay, the new kid at school, they decide to escapes their real-life  troubles  by embarking on a journey to her grandfather’s isolated cottage in the mountains, where she used to gaze at the beautiful  starry sky as a  child.

7/06(五)14:40 中山堂(影人座談)
7/14(六)20:50 新光二廳(影人座談) 

2012年台北電影節 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

《歸來的人》Return to Burma
趙德胤 Midi Z


2011 釜山影展新潮流競賽 / 溫哥華影展龍虎單元
2012 鹿特丹影展競賽 / 哥德堡影展


After decades, Burma finally has held its first presidential election. Many Burmese living abroad believe that prosperity will soon arrive.  Migrant laborers Xing-Hong and Rong decide to go back to Burma from Taiwan. A few days before their departure, Rong is killed in an  accident during an overtime shift. With Rong's ashes, Xing-Hong returns home alone.

7/06(五)20:10 真善美藍廳(影人座談)
7/15(日)16:20 新光二廳(影人座談)

2012年台北電影節 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


鈕承澤 Doze, NIU Chen Zer

台灣 Taiwan / 中國大陸 China│2012│35mm│Colour│127min



What is love? What does love stand for? We have all been touched by love, yet no one can ever fully grasp it. Across Beijing and Taipei,  eight lonely souls are in desperate search for happy endings in this romantic comedy, where everything that happens and every  sacrifice made among them is for the purpose of love.

7/07(六) 16:00 新光三廳(影人座談)
7/17(二) 15:50 新光二廳

2012年台北電影節 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

《陣頭》Din Tao: Leader of the Parade
馮凱 FUNG Kaii

台灣 Taiwan│2012 │35mm│Colour│123min


Both Tai and Xian were born into a long line of Din-tao performers, but their fathers are sworn enemies to each other. When Tai takes  over the troupe from his father, he leads them to embark on a journey around the island. They travel on foot with drums on their backs  and demonstrate the true spirit of Din-tao as they walk along.

7/08(日)12:10 新光三廳(影人座談)
7/16(一)13:20 新光二廳

2012年台北電影節 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


《寶米恰恰》Cha-Cha for Twins
楊貽茜 YANG Yi-Chien / 王傳宗 Jim WANG

台灣 Taiwan│2012│35mm│Colour│110min


Poni and Mini are identical twins. They are the same height and weight; they get the same grades in high school; and they even play  the same position in the basketball team. These similarities make people forget that they are individuals. For Poni, the elder twin, the  biggest challenge is to make people realize how different they are.

7/15(日) 11:00 新光三廳(影人座談)

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