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目前分類:焦點導演:洛伊安德森 (6)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要


《洛伊安德森短片選》Roy Andersson: Shorts Selection
洛伊安德森 Roy Andersson
瑞典 Sweden|1969/1987/1991|35mm|Colour/B&W|88min


Saturday October 5th is Roy Andersson’s student film. It paves ways inspired A Swedish Love Story released in the following year; Something Has Happened is an informational film about AIDS commissioned by the official; World of Glory is a human satire with a shocking opening.

6/30(六) 13:30 新光三廳(影人座談)
7/07(六) 14:10 真善美藍廳
7/09(一) 18:40 真善美藍廳

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《人生如是》Tomorrow's Another Day
尤安卡爾森 Johan Carlsson

瑞典 Sweden|2011|DigiBeta|Colour|90min


The Film is a documentary about Swedish film director Roy Andersson and his unique way of filmmaking. Shot during the four-year long filming period of Andersson’s latest feature You, the Living, the documentary is a personal description of a surprising and different approach to the film medium.

7/01(日) 18:10 新光三廳(影人座談)
7/10(二) 10:40 新光二廳
7/12(四) 18:40 新光二廳 

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《啊!人生》You, the Living
洛伊安德森 Roy Andersson

瑞典 Sweden / 丹麥 Denmark / 挪威 Norway / 法國 France / 德國 Germany / 日本 Japan|2007|35mm|Colour|94min

2007 芝加哥影展最佳導演
2008 瑞典金甲蟲獎最佳影片、導演、劇本
2009 美國舊金山影評人協會最佳外語片


The Film is an exploration of human existence centered around the lives of many characters, such as an overweight woman, a disgruntled psychiatrist, a heartbroken groupie, an elementary school teacher with emotional issues and her rug-selling husband. There is no central plot, but loosely-connected vignettes, which show the essential humanity and address themes of life….

7/01(日) 15:50 新光三廳
7/10(二) 21:30 新光三廳
7/13(五) 10:40 新光三廳 

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《二樓傳來的歌聲》Songs from the Second Floor
洛伊安德森 Roy Andersson

瑞典 Sweden / 丹麥 Denmark / 挪威 Norway / 法國 France / 德國 Germany|2000|35mm|Colour|100min

2000 坎城影展評審團獎 / 挪威國際影展影評人獎
2001 瑞典金甲蟲獎最佳影片、導演、攝影、劇本


An ill wind blows through the restless city - an immigrant is brutally attacked, a loyal clerk is fired in a demeaning manner, and a magician fails to perform one of his easiest tricks. In the midst of devastation, a man named Karl sets fire to his furniture store, with the intent to commit insurance fraud….

6/30(六) 16:00 新光三廳(影人座談)
7/02(一) 14:00 真善美藍廳
7/10(二) 13:30 新光三廳 

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洛伊安德森 Roy Andersson

瑞典 Sweden|1975|35mm|Colour|137min


A man arrives in a Swedish small town to work as a waiter at the run-down Hotel. He is begins to serve customers under the supervision of a strict, wheelchair-using manager suffering from an exaggerated self image. The man befriends two co-workers: the violent Gustav and the waitress Anna, while the meager lives of the hotel staff goes on with vague dreams of something else.

7/02(一)21:10 新光三廳
7/06(五)13:30 新光三廳 

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《瑞典愛情故事》A Swedish Love Story
洛伊安德森 Roy Andersson

瑞典 Sweden|1970|35mm|Colour|125min

1970 瑞典金甲蟲獎最佳影片 / 柏林影展


This is a story that relates the love between the two adolescents. The film describes all the uncertainty, fear, tenderness and joy that the two experience together. All the while in the background is the reality of their parents where their solitary dreams of the future have been lost in everyday routine at the car repair shop and the refrigerator agency.

7/04(三) 15:50 真善美藍廳
7/10(二) 19:00 中山堂
7/12(四) 12:00 中山堂

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