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目前分類:焦點電影:驚世駭俗-金敬穆 (6)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要


《無以名狀的憂愁》Stateless Things
金敬穆 Kim Kyung-Mook

南韓 South Korea|2011|DCP|Colour|117min

2011 威尼斯影展 / 倫敦影展
2012 鹿特丹影展


This is a claustrophobic drama crosscutting between the lives of two young men, one an illegal immigrant from North Korea stuck in dead-end jobs, and the other a kept boy of a married businessman stiffing in a swanky apartment. Tough seemingly different, these two are linked by their common loneliness and desperation.

7/07(六) 15:20 中山堂(影人座談)
7/09(一) 14:40 中山堂

2012年台北電影節 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

《心中的小宇宙》Peace In Me
金敬穆 Kim Kyung-Mook

南韓 South Korea|2005|DigiBeta|Colour|15min

2010 鹿特丹影展


The director uses three fixed shots for three scenes, which include things like a balcony, the sky, and a deck chair with cats hovering around. With gradually changing natural elements in the backdrop such as wind blowing, rainfall, or even the horrific sounds in the last scene, the film contrasts the inner peace of the observer.

7/08(日) 13:40 新光二廳(影人座談)
7/15(日) 20:40 新光三廳

2012年台北電影節 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

《美男魚的夢想》A Cheonggyecheon Dog
金敬穆 Kim Kyung-Mook

南韓 South Korea|2008|HDCAM|Colour|61min

2009 鹿特丹影展


A transsexual midway through the transformation to become a woman has been contemplating how the "New Seoul" is quickly rising from the city's detritus while strolling by the river, where s/he encounters a talking dog. They strike up a conversation, and it guides him through a strange journey.

7/08(日) 13:40 新光二廳(影人座談)
7/15(日) 20:40 新光三廳

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金敬穆 Kim Kyung-Mook

南韓 South Korea|2010|DV|B&W|22min


Unrequited love. It is sex without sex, that a body becomes someone else’s than mine, and the subject of illusion becomes its object. The state is somewhat similar to the boundary between screened images from a DV tape and a 16mm print.

7/07(六) 21:40 新光二廳
7/08(日) 21:10 新光二廳(影人座談)

2012年台北電影節 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

《援交男孩》Faceless Things
金敬穆 Kim Kyung-Mook

南韓 South Korea|2005|DigiBeta|Colour|64mim

2005 溫哥華影展
2007 鹿特丹影展


The film captures a disturbing hotel room tryst between a domineering married man and a teenage boy, a claustrophobic bedroom scene interrupted by an animated fantasia, and an enigmatic confessional coda by the director, making the work a fascinating, disconcerting examination of psychosexual alienation and self-exposure.

7/07(六) 21:40 新光二廳
7/08(日) 21:10 新光二廳(影人座談)

2012年台北電影節 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


《肯尼不愛芭比》Me and Doll-playing
金敬穆 Kim Kyung-Mook

南韓 South Korea|2004|DigiBeta|Colour|19min


This autobiographical short depicts the life experience of a gay boy who confronts his childhood past. For him, playing with dolls is not merely as simple as a playtime choice. The director captures lots of daily objects in real life, portraying them in a realistic manner but also creating an intense, unique effect.

7/07(六) 21:40 新光二廳
7/08(日) 21:10 新光二廳(映後座談)

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