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目前分類:焦點導演:演而優則導-伊勢谷友介 (3)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要


是枝裕和 Kore-eda Hirokazu

日本 Japan | 2001 | 35mm | Colour | 132min

2001 坎城影展競賽


A massacre initiated by the followers of an apocalyptic religious sect, the Ark of Truth, leaves more than a hundred people dead - including the self-appointed executioners, slain by fellow cult members. Three years pass. On the anniversary of the slaughter, four friends who lost loved ones in the tragedy seek solace by journeying to the secluded lake where it all began.

6/29(五) 20:20 新光三廳 (影人座談)
7/03(二) 13:00 新光三廳 

2012年台北電影節 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


陸之魚Fish on Land
伊勢谷友介 Iseya Yusuke

日本 Japan|2011|HDCAM|Colour|108min

2011 東京影展


A senior college student goes on a bicycle tour up the mountains without any particular destination. When he causes an accident and his bike gets smashed, a local takes him to the next drive-in which is run by Seiji. While recovering, the student decides to stay for the summer in this peaceful atmosphere with a handful of easy-going locals. Then a sudden act of violence changes everything.

7/01(日) 12:30 新光三廳 (影人座談)
7/10(二) 21:10 新光二廳
7/13(五) 11:00 新光二廳 

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伊勢谷友介 Iseya Yusuke

日本 Japan|2003|35mm|Colour|108min

2003 鹿特丹影展



A group of affluent kids who do the things kids do at that age: mess with girls, hang around in bars, and spend a lot of time consuming too much drink and drugs. One of them is persuaded by Yakuza to buy a vast quantity of drugs to sell. However, stoned as he is, he loses them at once. This is the start of a hysterical quest for the lost narcotics.

6/30(六) 18:40 新光三廳 (影人座談)
7/11(三) 14:50 新光三廳 

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