《海洋魔鏡》The Mirror Never Lies
卡蜜拉安迪尼 Kamila Andini

印尼 Indonesia|2011|35mm|Colour|100min

2011 釜山影展 / 東京影展 / 溫哥華影展


Pakis lost her father when he went fishing in the sea. A mirror he left her is the only hope for Pakis to meet him again. With a Bajo ritual  using mirror and water, she wishes that she would see his reflection in it. Together with her best friend, Lumo, Pakis continues to seek answers in the sea. Meanwhile, her relationship with her mother grows complicated, as a dolphin researcher visits their small fishing  village.

7/03(二) 11:30 中山堂(影人座談)
7/11(三) 19:20 新光三廳


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