《二樓傳來的歌聲》Songs from the Second Floor
洛伊安德森 Roy Andersson
瑞典 Sweden / 丹麥 Denmark / 挪威 Norway / 法國 France / 德國 Germany|2000|35mm|Colour|100min
2000 坎城影展評審團獎 / 挪威國際影展影評人獎
2001 瑞典金甲蟲獎最佳影片、導演、攝影、劇本
An ill wind blows through the restless city - an immigrant is brutally attacked, a loyal clerk is fired in a demeaning manner, and a magician fails to perform one of his easiest tricks. In the midst of devastation, a man named Karl sets fire to his furniture store, with the intent to commit insurance fraud….
6/30(六) 16:00 新光三廳(影人座談)
7/02(一) 14:00 真善美藍廳
7/10(二) 13:30 新光三廳