《宅男小鎮》A World Without Women
吉翁布賀 Guillaume Brac
法國 France|2011|HDCAM|Colour|58min
2012 克萊蒙費宏短片影展最佳短片
2012 法國凱撒獎最佳短片入圍
In a small seaside resort on the Northern French in the last week of August, Sylvain’s lonely world is brightened by the visit of a beautiful young mother and her equally attractive daughter from Paris. For him, this is the ideal opportunity to get rid of his isolated life where women are desperately absent….
7/07(六) 19:00 新光二廳 (影人座談)
7/09(一) 15:50 新光二廳
7/12(四) 16:30 新光二廳