《穿比基尼的外星人》Invasion of Alien Bikini
吳榮斗 Oh Young-doo
南韓 South Korea|2011|HDCAM|Colour|75min
2011 夕張國際奇幻影展大獎 / 斯德哥爾摩影展 / 溫哥華影展
A city hero, Young-gun saves a young lady from unidentified assailants and brings her back to his house. Surprisingly, she turns out to be a sperm-seeking alien with reproductive needs. She starts to seduce Young-gun for his semen while he has taken a vow of chastity and wants to save himself for marriage. She exhausts every means to extract his semen but things don’t always come off as planned…
7/13(五) 20:30 新光二廳(影人座談)
7/17(二) 22:10 新光三廳