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目前分類:焦點導演:魯本奧斯倫 (4)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要


《銀行事件》Incident by a Bank
魯本奧斯倫 Ruben Östlund

瑞典 Sweden|2009|35mm|Colour|12min

2010 柏林影展最佳短片


The Film is a detailed and humorous account of a failed bank robbery that took place in Stockholm in June, 2006. Shot in a single take, in which over 96 people perform a meticulous choreography for the camera, the film vividly simulates the actual event happening in real-time.

6/30(六) 20:50 真善美藍廳
7/05(四) 20:10 新光三廳(影人座談)
7/09(一) 14:40 新光三廳

2012年台北電影節 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


魯本奧斯倫 Ruben Östlund

瑞典 Sweden|2009|35mm|Colour|98min

2009 瑞典金甲蟲獎最佳影片、導演等五項入圍
2010 棕櫚泉影展影評人費比西獎


Leffe likes to show off and play salacious pranks after his drinking. Meanwhile, a righteous grade-school teacher who doesn’t know where to draw the line reports her colleague for child-abuse. Another two party-loving teenage girls like to pose for sexy photos, but in one night, one of them is found passed-out drunk in a park….

6/30(六) 20:50 真善美藍廳
7/05(四) 20:10 新光三廳(影人座談)
7/09(一) 14:40 新光三廳

2012年台北電影節 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


《吉他蒙古人》The Guitar Mongoloid
魯本奧斯倫 Ruben Östlund

瑞典 Sweden|2004|35mm|Colour|85min

2005 莫斯科影展影評人費比西獎


On a roof, a young boy twists TV antennas so viewers' reception goes fuzzy. A woman leaves her apartment, showing signs of  compulsive behavior. A boy plays his guitar, screaming rather than singing the lyrics. Some young men destroy all the bicycles they can find.

6/29(五) 21:00 真善美藍廳(影人座談)
7/04(三) 13:30 新光三廳 (影人座談)
7/07(六) 19:20 新光三廳

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【焦點導演:魯本奧斯倫 Director In Focus: Ruben Östlund】


Ruben Östlund started as a director of skiing films in the 1990s, and eventually went on to study at the film school in Gothenburg. Together with film producer Erik Hemmendorff, he is the co-founder of the production company Plattform Produktion, which produces his films. Östlund's short film Incident by a Bank won the Golden Bear for Best Short Film at the 60th Berlin International Film Festival.

《吉他蒙古人》The Guitar Mongoloid
《銀行事件》Incident by a Bank

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