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目前分類:國際青年導演競賽 (10)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要

《光做不說愛》Twilight Portrait
安潔麗娜尼可諾伐 Angelina Nikonova

2011|俄羅斯 Russia|DCP|Colour|105min

2011 鐵薩隆尼基影展金獎 / 多倫多影展 / 斯德哥爾摩影展


Marina is a gorgeous woman with an opulent wardrobe and a good-looking husband to match. Though employed as a social worker  earning meager salary, her rich father provides her with generous supplementary income. Unsatisfied with her well-to-do situation,  Marina carries on an affair with her best friend's husband…

7/03(二)14:10 中山堂(影人座談)
7/07(六)10:30 中山堂 

2012年台北電影節 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

艾曼妞米耶 Emmanuelle Millet

法國 France|2011|35mm|Colour|85min

2011 多倫多影展 / 羅馬影展新導演獎


Working as an intern in a posh art gallery, Sarah unexpectedly collapses one day while hanging some paintings. To her shock, she learns that she is six months pregnant. Showing no visible signs, Sarah at first refuses to accept the diagnosis. When that’s ruled out  due to the lateness of her term, she decides to give the child up for adoption as soon as it is born.

6/30(六)14:30 中山堂
7/05(四)12:00 中山堂(影人座談)
7/09(一)11:30 新光二廳 

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《型男漂流日誌》The River Used to Be a Man
揚查貝爾 Jan Zabeil

2011|德國 Germany|DCP|Colour|83min

2011 多倫多影展
2012 鹿特丹影展 / 哥德堡影展


A German actor travels through a country in Africa. He meets an old fisherman near a river, who takes him deep into the wilderness in  his wooden boat. The next morning he finds himself alone in the middle of an endless delta. Here his intimate battle with death, his  fears and perceptions of the outside world begins…

7/02(一)19:50 中山堂(影人座談)
7/04(三)14:30 中山堂(影人座談)

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《海洋魔鏡》The Mirror Never Lies
卡蜜拉安迪尼 Kamila Andini

印尼 Indonesia|2011|35mm|Colour|100min

2011 釜山影展 / 東京影展 / 溫哥華影展


Pakis lost her father when he went fishing in the sea. A mirror he left her is the only hope for Pakis to meet him again. With a Bajo ritual  using mirror and water, she wishes that she would see his reflection in it. Together with her best friend, Lumo, Pakis continues to seek answers in the sea. Meanwhile, her relationship with her mother grows complicated, as a dolphin researcher visits their small fishing  village.

7/03(二) 11:30 中山堂(影人座談)
7/11(三) 19:20 新光三廳

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安潔薩羅莫諾維茲 Anja Salomonowitz

奧地利 Austria|2012|DCP|Colour|102min

2012 柏林影展


A foreigner unintentionally stranded in Austria is trying everything to get to his original destination of Spain. A restorer who earns money  on the side by painting religious icons has had enough of her ex-husband’s intrusions. He is searching for the right words to get her  back whilst sniffng around in the private lives of bi-national couples as part of his job as a police offcial…

7/02(一)17:10 中山堂(影人座談)
7/06(五)17:20 中山堂(影人座談)

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《情書風暴》Still Life
賽巴斯汀梅斯 Sebastian Meise

奧地利 Austria|2011|35mm|Colour|77min

2011 聖賽巴斯丁影展特別提及
2012 鹿特丹影展 / 哥德堡影展


A father pays prostitutes to play the role of his own daughter. The shocking revelation concerning his long-secret obsession tears up  the family's delicate fabric. The son resolves to nd out whether his father ever acted on his fantasies, while his sister wants to sort out  her memories on her own. Despite her uncertainties, the father ultimately has to find a way to cope with his shame and feelings of guilt.

7/01(日) 15:20  
7/03(二) 17:00(影人座談) 

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 《做愛後,我們談情》Night #1
安艾蒙 Anne Émond

加拿大 Canada|2011|35mm|Colour|91min

2011 多倫多影展 / 釜山影展
2012 加拿大金尼獎最佳新導演獎


Émond’s dazzling debut feature is a bold and intimate study of a one-night stand. Clara and Nikolai meet at a sweat-soaked rave and  end their night at his apartment. The first part of the film is an erotic and candid portrait of their lovemaking. When Clara tries to sneak  out without saying goodbye, this typical hookup takes an unexpected turn.

7/02(一)14:40 中山堂(影人座談)
7/03(二)19:20 中山堂(影人座談)
7/05(四)18:00 新光三廳 

2012年台北電影節 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

魯斯蘭朴 Ruslan Pak

南韓 South Korea / 烏茲別克 Uzbekiatan |2011|DCP|Colour|88min

2011多倫多影展 / 盧卡諾影展 / 釜山影展


Stas is third generation Korean-Uzbek, a people who were deported from the Far East of the Soviet Union under Stalin. He and his three friends try heroin together, sending them into a downward spiral marked by tragedy. Disappointed with the corruption in the police force, Stas leaves his job as a police detective and heads to South Korea.

7/01(日)17:10 中山堂(影人座談)
7/04(三)12:00 中山堂(影人座談)

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《誰讓子彈飛》Beyond the Hill
阿敏艾波 Emin Alper

土耳其 Turkey / 希臘 Greece|2012|Colour|DCP|94min

2012 柏林影展卡里加利獎


Faik is a proud old-time farmer very attached to his land, which stretches over a remote canyon covered with caves and woods. Lately,  a band of nomads have been grazing their goats without permission. Faik and his hulking helper Mehmet steal one of their goats in  revenge. When Faik’s son Nusret comes to visit with his two sons, the goat is butchered for dinner and the countdown is on to a full-fledged blood feud.

6/30 (六) 16:40
7/02 (一) 12:00 (影人座談)

2012年台北電影節 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

《性愛告白》Black & White & Sex
約翰溫特 John Winter

澳洲 Australia|2011|B&W/Colour|DCP|94min

2011 雪梨影展
2012 鹿特丹影展


In a bare film studio, eight excellent actresses together play Angie, an eloquent sex worker who is more than just a prostitute. In this film-in-a-film shot in classic black & white, the documentary maker interviews her at length, with various cameras and a barrage of questions. She keeps revealing more of herself, while at the same time undresses the interviewer, literally and metaphorically.

7/01(日) 19:40 中山堂(影人座談) 
7/05(四) 14:30 中山堂(影人座談)

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