《三女性》3 Women
勞勃阿特曼 Robert Altman
美國 USA|1977|35mm|Colour|123min
1977坎城影展最佳女演員 / 紐約影評人協會獎最佳女配角 / 洛杉磯影評人協會獎最佳女主角
The plot centers on Pinky, who finds work as an attendant at a hot springs spa catering to the elderly and infirm. There she befriends and grows obsessively attached to her co-worker, Millie. Pinky feels threatened when she discovers Millie’s macho, faux-cowboy boyfriend, Edgar, who is married to another woman named Willie…
7/10(二) 18:30 新光三廳
7/13(五) 13:00 新光三廳