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《阿達倫事件》Adalen 31
波韋戴貝伊 Bo Widerberg

瑞典 Sweden|1969|35mm|Colour|110min

1969 坎城影展評審團大獎
1970 奧斯卡、金球獎最佳外語片入圍


Based on a real event in 1931, the strikes in a small town in Sweden had spreaded to Adelen before the town exported a major order to America. A tragedy came along as the military started to crack down the strikes…

7/12(四) 20:50 新光三廳
7/18(三) 11:30 新光三廳 

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《鴛鴦戀》Elvira Madigan
波韋戴貝伊 Bo Widerberg

瑞典 Sweden|1967|35mm|Colour|91min

1967 坎城影展最佳女主角 / 美國國家影評人協會最佳外語片
1968 金球獎最佳外語片、新演員入圍


Inspired by the famous Johan Lindstrom Saxon ballad, this Swedish film involves circus performer Elvira Madigan and army officer Sixten Sparre. Sparre breaks loose of the oppressive atmosphere of both the military and his tradition-bound family to conduct a passionate affair with Elvira. Aware only of one another's presence, the lovers refuse to recognize that they have stepped irreversibly on the road to tragedy.

7/04(三) 21:00 真善美藍廳
7/11(三) 16:40 真善美藍廳 

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《好奇的是我》I Am Curious – Yellow
維果史約曼 Vilgot Sjöman

瑞典 Sweden|1967|35mm|B&W|128min

1968 瑞典金甲蟲獎最佳女主角


The director’s girlfriend is asked to act as a young student curious about political, social and sexual issues. She is dedicated to collecting and categorizing the information and finds herself crazily in love with a man. But only to find the man has another lover….

7/04(三) 13:00 真善美藍廳
7/12(四) 18:00 新光三廳 

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《茱莉小姐》Miss Julie
阿爾夫史約伯格 Alf Sjöberg

瑞典 Sweden|1951|35mm|B&W|90min

1951 坎城影展最佳影片大獎
1952 英國金像獎外語片獎入圍


In late 19th century, young Miss Julie lives in a mansion with her father. She has recently broken up her engagement but is attracted to one of the servants, Jean. They spend the midsummer night together, sharing intimate memories and dreams with each other….

7/05(四) 21:20 真善美藍廳
7/11(三) 18:50 真善美藍廳

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《風信子女郎》Girl with Hyacinths
哈賽艾克曼 Hasse Ekman

瑞典 Sweden|1950|35mm|B&W|89min


A young woman who lives alone commits suicide in her apartment. The writer neighbor and his wife try to uncover the mystery. He interviews everyone who interacted with the woman. As the stories are revealed, her life begins to emerge.

7/05(四) 16:10 真善美藍廳
7/11(三) 21:00 真善美藍廳

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阿爾夫史約伯格 Alf Sjöberg

瑞典 Sweden|1944|35mm|B&W|100min

1947 威尼斯影展競賽


Jan-Erik struggles valiantly to maintain his ongoing sexual affair with Bertha, while grappling, on the side, with the machinations of a sadistic and abusive professor, Caligula. Events take an ugly turn when Jan-Erik discovers that Bertha is actually Caligula's lover….

7/04(三) 18:40 真善美藍廳
7/05(四) 11:40 真善美藍廳
7/07(六) 21:10 真善美藍廳 

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《女人的臉孔》A Woman's Face
古斯塔夫莫蘭德 Gustaf Molander

瑞典 Sweden|1938|35mm|B&W|104min

1938 威尼斯影展特別推薦


Facially disfigured by a childhood mishap, Anna becomes an embittered criminal blackmailer who feels unworthy of the “good” world. Given a new countenance by a plastic surgeon, she decides to start her new life by posing as a governess in a wealthy family, only to become enmeshed in a complicated crooked scheme engineered by the evil uncle of her pupil.

7/06(五) 16:30 新光三廳
7/14(六) 11:00 新光三廳 

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《葛斯塔伯林物語》The Atonement of Gosta Berling
莫里茲史提勒 Mauritz Stiller

瑞典 Sweden|1924|35mm|B&W|183min


Based on a Swedish novel, this classical Swedish silent movie depicts a story in which a dismissed handsome priest having affairs with several women and becoming a hero in the town. It’s also the first film of Greta Garbo, the renowned Swedish movie star.

7/04(三) 19:50 新光三廳 
7/05(四) 13:30 新光三廳

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《新龍門客棧:數位修復版》Dragon Inn
李惠民 Raymond LEE

香港 Hong Kong|1992/2012|DCP|Colour|103min

1992 金馬獎最佳武術指導獎,女主角、攝影等五項入圍
1993 香港金像獎最佳女主角等四項入圍



Set in China during the Ming Dynasty's reign, Dragon Inn tells a tale of revenge and intrigue between imperial eunuchs. The ¬lm opens with the evil eunuch Tsao Siu Yan ordering the o spring of his rival, Chow Wai-On, to be exiled. Chow's lover, Yau Mo-Yan, saves the children and takes them to a tavern called the Dragon Inn. The group reunites, but with Tsao's henchman on their trail.

7/10(二)中山堂 11:50 

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《仇敵當前》A Man There Was
維多史約斯卓姆 Victor Sjöström

瑞典 Sweden|1917|35mm|B&W|38min


Adapted from Henrik Ibsen's dramatic poem, the film narrates the story of a sailor who suffers the loss of his family through the cruelty of another man. Years later, when his enemy's family finds itself dependent on Terje's beneficence, Terje must decide whether to avenge himself.

7/08(日) 10:30 新光三廳
7/10(二) 18:40 善美藍廳

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《幸福的黃手帕:數位修復版》The Yellow Handkerchief
山田洋次 Yamada Yoji

日本 Japan|1977/2011|35mm|Colour|109min

1977 日本電影旬報十大佳片首位
1978 亞太影展最佳男主角 / 日本影藝學院獎最佳影片、導演、劇本、男主角、男配角、女配角


A paroled murderer tries to make his way home to Hokkaido, where his wife will either have the proverbial yellow ribbon out for him, or she won’t. The story centers on the journey getting there, through town and country in the company of two young people, a cowboy-wannabe on the run from love, and an irrepressible girl who joins him. However, they are oblivious to the true calling of their hitchhiker.

7/13(五) 14:40 中山堂
7/15(日) 16:30 中山堂

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《百戰將軍:數位修復版》The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp
麥可鮑威爾 Michael Powell / 艾默瑞克普萊斯柏格 Emeric Pressburger

英國 UK|1943/2012|DCP|Colour|163min

2012 柏林影展



General Wynne-Candy is a blustering old duffer who seems the epitome of stuffy, outmoded values. Traveling backwards 40 years, we see a different man altogether. Through a series of relationships with three women and his lifelong friendship with a German officer.

7/08(日) 11:30 中山堂
7/11(三) 14:00 中山堂

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《妖街皇后2012》Bugis Street Redux
楊凡 Yonfan
新加坡 Sigapore / 香港 Hong Kong|1995/2012|DCP|Colour|101min

2012 柏林影展 / 莫斯科影展


七○年代的新加坡,這裡曾是紙醉金迷的天堂。扮裝皇后們妖嬈多姿聚集在名叫「星星」的旅店裡,揮霍著她們的愛恨嗔癡。少女阿蓮來自鄉下,她在這裡情竇初開, 也見識到冷暖人情與美夢傷逝。導演楊凡隔了十六年後,才重新數位修復這部風格綺麗的作品,了讓當年所有遭剪的裸戲畫面重見天日,還強調這部片徹底改變了他對拍電影的思維。僅此一場,歡迎盛裝出席。

Bugis Street, the epicentre of multisexual nightlife and unchained libido, is where a band of hedonistic, transidentical people has taken root at wacky love hotel SinSin. The lives of this crew of truly perverse, polymorph creatures are devoted exclusively to their dreams, beauty, desire and pleasure. Enter sixteen-year-old Lian, she has come to this cheerfully hysterical madhouse to start work as a home helper.

7/06(五) 20:00 中山堂(影人座談)

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《我的愛》This Love of Mine

台灣 Taiwan|1986|35mm|Colour|110min

1986 倫敦影展 / 金馬獎最佳女主角入圍


A housewife whose life only revolves her husband finds herself being cheated. She becomes angry and neurotic and can’t accept the fact at all. Finally, she realizes that the only choice she has is to compromise and to forgive, but it was already too late.

7/01(日) 13:10 真善美藍廳

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《我這樣過了一生》Kuei-Mei, A Woman

台灣 Taiwan|1985|35mm|Colour|152min

1985 金馬獎最佳劇情片、導演、女主角、改編劇本獎
1986 亞太影展最佳導演獎


From 1950s to 1980s, Kuei-Mei was married to a man with three children. Instead of getting a stable life, she had to put up with her husband’s gambling addiction and work hard for the only income. Kuei-Mei symbolizes the tenderness and tolerance of Taiwanese women.

7/08(日) 15:10 新光三廳(影人座談)

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