《光做不說愛》Twilight Portrait
安潔麗娜尼可諾伐 Angelina Nikonova
2011|俄羅斯 Russia|DCP|Colour|105min
2011 鐵薩隆尼基影展金獎 / 多倫多影展 / 斯德哥爾摩影展
Marina is a gorgeous woman with an opulent wardrobe and a good-looking husband to match. Though employed as a social worker earning meager salary, her rich father provides her with generous supplementary income. Unsatisfied with her well-to-do situation, Marina carries on an affair with her best friend's husband…
7/03(二)14:10 中山堂(影人座談)
7/07(六)10:30 中山堂