《啊!人生》You, the Living
洛伊安德森 Roy Andersson
瑞典 Sweden / 丹麥 Denmark / 挪威 Norway / 法國 France / 德國 Germany / 日本 Japan|2007|35mm|Colour|94min
2007 芝加哥影展最佳導演
2008 瑞典金甲蟲獎最佳影片、導演、劇本
2009 美國舊金山影評人協會最佳外語片
The Film is an exploration of human existence centered around the lives of many characters, such as an overweight woman, a disgruntled psychiatrist, a heartbroken groupie, an elementary school teacher with emotional issues and her rug-selling husband. There is no central plot, but loosely-connected vignettes, which show the essential humanity and address themes of life….
7/01(日) 15:50 新光三廳
7/10(二) 21:30 新光三廳
7/13(五) 10:40 新光三廳