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《啊!人生》You, the Living
洛伊安德森 Roy Andersson

瑞典 Sweden / 丹麥 Denmark / 挪威 Norway / 法國 France / 德國 Germany / 日本 Japan|2007|35mm|Colour|94min

2007 芝加哥影展最佳導演
2008 瑞典金甲蟲獎最佳影片、導演、劇本
2009 美國舊金山影評人協會最佳外語片


The Film is an exploration of human existence centered around the lives of many characters, such as an overweight woman, a disgruntled psychiatrist, a heartbroken groupie, an elementary school teacher with emotional issues and her rug-selling husband. There is no central plot, but loosely-connected vignettes, which show the essential humanity and address themes of life….

7/01(日) 15:50 新光三廳
7/10(二) 21:30 新光三廳
7/13(五) 10:40 新光三廳 

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《肯尼不愛芭比》Me and Doll-playing
金敬穆 Kim Kyung-Mook

南韓 South Korea|2004|DigiBeta|Colour|19min


This autobiographical short depicts the life experience of a gay boy who confronts his childhood past. For him, playing with dolls is not merely as simple as a playtime choice. The director captures lots of daily objects in real life, portraying them in a realistic manner but also creating an intense, unique effect.

7/07(六) 21:40 新光二廳
7/08(日) 21:10 新光二廳(映後座談)

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《二樓傳來的歌聲》Songs from the Second Floor
洛伊安德森 Roy Andersson

瑞典 Sweden / 丹麥 Denmark / 挪威 Norway / 法國 France / 德國 Germany|2000|35mm|Colour|100min

2000 坎城影展評審團獎 / 挪威國際影展影評人獎
2001 瑞典金甲蟲獎最佳影片、導演、攝影、劇本


An ill wind blows through the restless city - an immigrant is brutally attacked, a loyal clerk is fired in a demeaning manner, and a magician fails to perform one of his easiest tricks. In the midst of devastation, a man named Karl sets fire to his furniture store, with the intent to commit insurance fraud….

6/30(六) 16:00 新光三廳(影人座談)
7/02(一) 14:00 真善美藍廳
7/10(二) 13:30 新光三廳 

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《我11》11 Flowers
王小帥 WANG Xiaoshuai

法國France / 中國 China|2011|DCP|Colour|112min

2011多倫多影展 / 釜山影展 / 鹿特丹影展


During the Cultural Revolution, Wang Han, an eleven-year-old boy living in the Chinese province of Ghizou, is proud to be the leader of a group gymnastics class, which takes place every morning in the schoolyard. One day, however, Wang Han crosses the path of a murderer on the run in a forest...

6/30(六) 11:30 中山堂 (影人座談)
7/06(五) 12:00 中山堂

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洛伊安德森 Roy Andersson

瑞典 Sweden|1975|35mm|Colour|137min


A man arrives in a Swedish small town to work as a waiter at the run-down Hotel. He is begins to serve customers under the supervision of a strict, wheelchair-using manager suffering from an exaggerated self image. The man befriends two co-workers: the violent Gustav and the waitress Anna, while the meager lives of the hotel staff goes on with vague dreams of something else.

7/02(一)21:10 新光三廳
7/06(五)13:30 新光三廳 

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星叭克超有種 Starbuck
肯史考特 Ken Scott

加拿大 Canada│2011│35mm│Colour│109min

2011 瓦拉多利德影展最佳導演、新導演獎
2012 加拿大吉尼獎最佳劇本、原創歌曲獎


Just when David Wosniak decides to finally take control of his life, this eternal 42 year old teenager discovers that he’s the biological father of 533 children. Suddenly, his life is much more complicated that he anticipated.

7/14(六) 10:50 中山堂
7/17(二) 18:50 新光二廳  

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《瑞典愛情故事》A Swedish Love Story
洛伊安德森 Roy Andersson

瑞典 Sweden|1970|35mm|Colour|125min

1970 瑞典金甲蟲獎最佳影片 / 柏林影展


This is a story that relates the love between the two adolescents. The film describes all the uncertainty, fear, tenderness and joy that the two experience together. All the while in the background is the reality of their parents where their solitary dreams of the future have been lost in everyday routine at the car repair shop and the refrigerator agency.

7/04(三) 15:50 真善美藍廳
7/10(二) 19:00 中山堂
7/12(四) 12:00 中山堂

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我在冰島天氣陰Polite People
歐拉夫德夫勒 Olaf de Fleur





A desperate city slicker engineer goes back to his hometown after being cheated and sacked. He tries to re-finance his family's slaughter house, but he is actually entering a world of turmoil and misbehaving....

7/08(日) 19:00 新光二廳
7/13(五) 13:30 新光二廳
7/16(一) 13:40 新光三廳

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史蒂芬艾略特 Stephen Elliott


2012 柏林影展



18-year-old Angelina escapes the confines of her dysfunctional family and drifts into the San Francisco porn industry. Using the moniker ‘Cherry’ this confident young woman must now come to terms with her own sexuality and the prejudice that her job engenders.

7/01(日) 13:00 中山堂 

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《鄉蟲》The Metamorphosis
梁育碩 LIANG Yu-Shuo

台灣 Taiwan│2011│HDCAM│Colour│9min



One morning he found himself transformed into a insect. The parents are unable to accept his situation, and feed it in the room.

7/13(五)18:00 新光二廳(影人座談)
7/14(六)15:30 新光二廳(影人座談) 

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烏蘇拉梅耶 Ursula Meier

瑞士Switzerland / 法國 France|2012|DCP|Colour|100min

2012 柏林影展特別獎


A luxury ski resort in Switzerland. 12-year-old Simon lives in the industrial valley below, with his jobless sister. Every day, he takes the ski-lift to the opulent world above, stealing from the rich tourists. But Simon begins to lose his boundaries, which affects the relationship with his sister.

7/05(四) 20:00 中山堂
7/07(六) 13:00 中山堂  

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《小粉紅》The Little Pinky
李明勳 LI Ming-Hsun

台灣 Taiwan│2011│HDCAM│Colour│6min



One day, the little pinky found out there live five man wearing black hoods on the string out of the forest. He tried to join them, but…

7/13(五)18:00 新光二廳(影人座談)
7/14(六)15:30 新光二廳(影人座談) 

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山城裡的麵包香》Stories that Only Exist When Remembered
茱莉亞穆拉琪 Júlia Murat

巴西 Brazil / 阿根廷 Argentina / 法國 France|2011|35mm|Colour|98min

2011 聖賽斯巴丁影展特別提及 / 多倫多影展 / 鹿特丹影展


Like every morning Madalena makes bread for Antonio’s old coffee shop. Like every day she crosses the railways where no trains have passed for years, she cleans up the gate of the locked cemetery, listens to the priest’s sermon and shares lunch with the other old villagers.

7/18(三) 13:50 新光二廳
7/19(四) 18:20 新光二廳 

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阿雷漢卓蘭迪斯 Alejandro Landes

哥倫比亞 Colombia / 阿根廷 Argentina / 烏拉圭Uraguay / 西班牙 Spain|2011|35mm|Colour|106min

2011 坎城影展 / 多倫多影展 / 華沙影展


It is about a man who became handicapped after a failed police operation where he was shot in the back in 1991. He sues the state for his injuries but the lawsuit gets closed due to several problems with the case. Porfirio makes a risky decision to hijack a plane with his son and demand a meeting with the President of Colombia to discuss his predicament.

6/30(六) 11:00 新光三廳
7/02(一) 18:40 新光三廳
7/03(二) 21:00 真善美藍廳(本場次因故取消)

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《禮物》The Present
謝文明 Joe HSIEH

台灣 Taiwan│2012│HD cam│Colour│15min


A married man was on a business trip and checked into a hotel late at night. The daughter of the hotel owner fell in love with the married man…

7/13(五)18:00 新光二廳(影人座談)
7/14(六)15:30 新光二廳(影人座談) 

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